Your latest e-mail campaign was supposed to create new leads for the sales team. Sadly, most of the recipients greeted your e-mails with mailing list the delete key. All they saw was another piece of spam. If this sounds familiar, you are not alone since most e-mail campaigns struggle to be read by the intended recipients. While this is a real and difficult challenge.
There are some best practices that might help your open rate and save your e-mails from the dastardly delete key. Here are a few mailing list ideas: 1. Maintain and use your own e-mail list. The best lists are built by you one name at a time. Never share your list; this destroys your list's integrity. Never buy your lists from list providers since you never know how they really got the names and if they truly opt-in.
2. Always request your list members to opt-in and always verify a second time with a verification e-mail. This is referred to as double opt-in. Most importantly, if someone opts-out, remove them from your list immediately. 3. E-mail your list members only when mailing list it is important or when you can bring value to the reader. 4. Always send e-mails from a person with a real name instead of a company; recipients are far more likely to welcome mail from a real person.