Assuming its autonomy from the constituted power. Institutional support is Last Database essential for the Constituent Assembly to successfully complete its process, which Last Database also implies organizing an exit plebiscite in which voting will be mandatory. Boric's government must also prevent next year's election from turning into a plebiscite on the new government or Last Database on the presidential figure. It is often said that the government must rush through the reforms at the heart of its agenda, during the honeymoon. It is not what suits, I fear, the Boric government.
If your popularity falls rapidly trying to Last Database approve reforms that scare the "factual", it is very likely that the constituent debate will be contaminated (it is evident that the power groups have more than enough resources with which to install climates of Last Database opinion that crystallize that scenario) , to the point of risking it. The risk will be even greater in a context of recession and economic stagnation such as the one envisioned for 2022. Even if successful, the Last Database constitutional process is necessary but not sufficient to solve the problems that Chile faces today. For this reason.
The virtues of the Last Database presidential leadership must focus, from day one, on establishing a broad process of negotiation and social agreement around a new development model, capable of laying the foundations for economic growth compatible with the rights that will be incorporated into the new Constitution. Before Last Database beginning to promote sectoral reforms, the Boric government must establish a process of broad social agreement on a new development model for Chile. This model, which must have a broad base of political support, can be Last Database grounded in a second phase with key sectoral reforms. In other words, rather than sending bills to Parliament regarding specific sectoral policies (taxes, health, education, pensions, care policies), it is necessary to bring actors to the table who are not used to negotiating in Chile.