One of the coolest ones I thought was that who walks to the right USA Phone Number List around her house in the morning and to the left in the evening. And when she enters, she says out loud 'good morning' or 'good evening'. Or something. There were also solutions for better USA Phone Number List meetings and, above all, fewer meetings. And to share less verbal information and record more in writing. These are all good thingsā¦ but at the core, we are sticking to the ways of working that we were the USA Phone Number List used to before 2020.
With these things in mind, after the USA Phone Number List summer of 2021, when almost all corona-related measures were released for the first time (to be used again soon at full strength), we started thinking about and experimenting with what we now call hybrid work. And we agree that working from home or hybrid working is here to stay. Quite soon after the start of the pandemic, many good tips, suggestions, and USA Phone Number List solutions came to the fore. For example, tips to schedule meetings not for 60 or 90 minutes, but for 55 or 80 minutes. Suggestions to start or end your working day with a new, fixed ritual USA Phone Number List.
As a result, the trend towards hybrid working USA Phone Number List has become that you do concentrate personal work at home, more or less undisturbed. Meetings, collaboration, and innovation take place in the new office, which has become more of a clubhouse than a workplace. And in the meantime, USA Phone Number List the impression is already being created that switching work contexts has just as negative consequences for concentration and productivity as switching work in the USA Phone Number List content.