Marketing activities supporting sales and content marketing Another important inbound marketing technique is content marketing. In short, it is about publishing content. However, it is important that the content is valuable and interesting from the user s point of view. Content marketing incredibly supports SEO, and at the same time attracts customers who are looking for professional advice, opinions, tutorials or instructions. Providing expert content also helps build brand image and increases trust in it.
Until recently content marketing was understood primarily as texts posted on a website, with particular emphasis on articles published on a company blog. Currently, however, audiovisual Poland WhatsApp Number List content is pushing ahead strongly. Therefore, it turns out to be beneficial to use video platforms and social media to publish videos e.g. how to videos or presenting the possibilities of a specific product . In addition, it is worth publishing infographics and other graphic content that attracts attention much more effectively than the written word.
Brands that conduct content marketing activities have up to several dozen percent more sales than those that do not. So it s not worth wondering Marketing activities in social media Social networking sites have already taken over the activity of Internet users for good. This is where they most often look for information, advice and inspiration. In turn, for companies, it is the basic method of reaching the customer directly and one of the best communication channels. It is also one of the best methods of promotion.